6 Cat Fence Toppers

Cat fence toppers are a type of physical barrier system used to prevent cats from climbing over fences or walls. They are typically made of aluminum, plastic or metal and are mounted at the top of a fence or wall. The toppers act as a physical barrier, preventing cats from getting a foothold on the fence and making it difficult for them to climb over. The toppers can also be used to keep cats in a designated area, such as a backyard, by making it difficult for them to escape. Some cat fence toppers are designed to be placed on existing fences, while others are designed to be used with new fencing. They are often used in residential areas to keep cats contained and prevent them from wandering into neighborhoods where they may cause damage or be a nuisance.
Examples of cat fence toppers include:
Curved Extension Arms
These are plastic or metal arms that attach to the top of a fence and extend outward, creating a barrier that cats cannot climb over. They are an affordable and easy-to-install option that can be added to an existing fence.
Flat Extension Panels:
These are flat panels that attach to the top of a fence and extend outwards, creating a barrier that cats cannot climb over. They are also an affordable and easy-to-install option, and they can be used with existing or new fencing.
Electric Fence Toppers:
These are toppers that emit a small electric shock when a cat attempts to climb over the fence. These are a more humane option that can be used to train cats to stay in a specific area.
Roller Barriers:
These are barriers that consist of a series of Oscillot rollers that are mounted at the top of a fence or at an angle. When a cat attempts to climb the fence, the rollers spin, making it difficult for the cat to maintain a foothold and causing it to fall back to the ground. This is a effective way to keep cats in or out of a specific area.
Spring-loaded Toppers:
These are toppers that are mounted at the top of a fence and are designed to move or flex when a cat attempts to climb over them, making it difficult for the cat to maintain a foothold and causing it to fall back to the ground. This is also an effective way to keep cats in or out of a specific area.
Mesh Netting:
This is a barrier made of a mesh netting that is attached to the top of a fence, which prevents cats from climbing over by making it difficult for them to get a foothold. This is a more affordable option that can be used to keep cats contained.
When choosing a cat fence topper, it's important to consider the size and behavior of your cat, as well as the specific needs of your environment. It's also important to keep in mind that a cat's safety and welfare should always be considered when looking for a containment solution, and it's always best to consult with a Oscillot team member before making a decision.
Cat fence toppers are an effective solution for keeping your feline friends safe and contained in your yard.